Children and youth in Norway have the right and duty to attend primary and middle school if it is likely that they will be staying in the country for more than three months. We offer an alternative education for anyone who fulfills this. Here you will find information on how to apply for a place. We look forward to hearing from you!

Admissions Policy
Our school is open to children age 6-16 who fills the requirements for having the right to and duty of education in Norway. Our main admission begins in May for Grade 2-10, while the Grade 1 admission is started in December for the following year.
When a place is available, admissions are done on a rolling basis, and students on the waiting list will be prioritised in accordance with our admissions policy. In the event that the class you have applied for is full, your application can be added to the waiting list. Please make sure to read through our admissions policy.
There is no fee for applying for a place. However, if a place is accepted, a non-refundable administration fee will be invoiced. This will be deducted from the first tuition invoice when the student starts at the school.
Application Process
Thank you for considering choosing Kongsberg International School! Do contact us should you have any questions about the application process.
+47 32 29 93 80 or office@kischool.org
To apply for a place, click the button below and fill out the application form. This will be received by the school office and you will as soon as possible receive a confirmation email.

Tuition and Fees
The school fees are set by the Governing Board of KIS based on rates set out by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training.
School fees are invoiced over 10 months from August. Monthly payments must be paid in advance.
Monthly tuition fees as of August 2024 are:
Student in Grades 1 – 6 and MYP A: 3683 NOK
Student in MYP B - MYP D: 3727 NOK
Further terms:
The school reserves the right to review the contract and fees each semester and charge additional fees for before- and after-school programmes. The KIS community will be informed of any changes to the contract or school fees.
Failure to make payments can result in the withdrawal of the offer of a place at the school.
The Parent and Student Handbook is part of the contract between the school and the student's parents/guardians
Students who join mid-year will be invoiced from the month in which they joined, and will in addition be invoiced for June.
Three months written notice is required to terminate the contract. It must be given by the first day of the first month of the notice period. This will even apply if a place has been formally accepted and the child has not yet attended KIS
Statsforvalteren i Oslo og Viken (the County Governor's Office) is the final appeal body in cases relating to admissions issues within the school.
How many students are there in a class?
Our classes have a maximum of 20 students per class, and there is only one class per grade. The smaller class sizes allow for a closer relationship with each individual child, a relationship which we value greatly and build upon throughout the years.
What is included in the tuition fee?
The school's tuition fees cover the students' educational instruction during the regular school day and educational supplies, including exercise books and the loan of textbooks.
Are there other fees?
An administration fee of 2000 NOK will be issued upon completed admissions process. This is deducted from the first month’s tuition fee. The administration fee is invoiced if the new student is not starting immediately.
SFO places have a separate SFO fee. Please refer to the SFO page for more detailed information.
What documents are required for admission?
We only require the application form for the admissions process. Once an offer of place has been accepted and the contract is signed, some additional information forms must be filled out and returned as soon as possible.
Among these are a Tuberculosis Declaration currently required of all new students regardless of whether they are already in Norway. If recently relocating from a country defined by WHO as having a high prevalence for tuberculosis, a test will have to be completed at the local hospital before school start.
Can a place be reserved for future enrollment?
We are unfortunately not able to do so for a long period of time. When an offer is sent out, there is a 1 week deadline for accepting or declining. Once an offer has been accepted, the new student must start within 1 month of the date of the offer unless special circumstances dictate otherwise.
Grade 1 admission is slightly different as it is done at the same time as public school's do their school starter enrollment in December for the following academic year.
Can a place be cancelled?
If you accept an offer, you have the right to cancel. If you decide to cancel, you must fill a cancellation form and return to the school within 14 days of signing the contract. Any fees paid by the time the form is received by the school, will be returned to the account number specified on the form. If the place is cancelled more than 14 days after the contract was signed, the administration fee is not refunded. Be aware that those signing the contract must also sign the cancellation form.
Who can sign the contract?
We require signature of both parents on the contract. If there are special circumstances relating to why only one parent can/should sign, we do require documentation relating to this before we can confirm that place.
Can adults attend KIS?
No. If the applicant is older than middle school age, they must contact their local Norwegian municipality for local educational offers for adults. If the applicant is high school age, we recommend contacting Kongsberg Videregående Skole.
Applications for individuals older than middle school age will not be processed and will not receive a Confirmation of Decision.
Do you offer warm lunches or have a canteen?
Unfortunately not at this time. Students must bring food from home. Some items such as yogurts, milk and smoothies can be ordered from Tine Skolelyst.
Please note that all food brought for snack and lunch must be healthy. No sweets, cakes or sodas are allowed on regular school days.
Are you a Boarding School?
No. Our school is a day school only. Students are expected to live with parents or guardians.
Do you offer kindergarten or preschool?
No, but we have cooperation agreements with two local kindergartens. Please refer to our Academic page for more information.
Are there discounts for siblings?
School fees may be waived for families who have more than three children at the school simultaneously. Fees are still payable for the first three children. Please contact the Business Manager if you would like to claim this benefit.
How long is the school day?
Our school days are from 09.00-15.00 every day of the week for all students across the school.
This greatly reduces the need for SFO for younger children.
Which grade will my child be placed in?
At what age children start school is not always the same as in Norway. Here the children start Grade 1 the year they turn 6. We have created a table showing how this compares to a few other systems. Click here to view.
There are a lot of information to process when considering which school is the best option for your child. Here we have gathered some of the questions prospective parents frequently ask. Do contact us if you do not find the answer to your question here!